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Body Modification


Body Modification is a vast spectrum, there is so much that people can do to their bodies in this age. Some people do small things to their bodies such as small ear piercings, however others can do massive things to their bodies, turning themselves into thier representation of tiger. There are different kinds of modification some of these include piercings, tattoos, plastic surgery, mechanical advancements, scarification and dyeing hair colours. There is much that can be researched into for each of these areas, some more than others. There will be main focuses on certain aspects of modification as this will be reflected in the makeup design. 


Nazzaro. J. (2013) Elysium, Makeup Artist Magazine, No. 104 October/November, Pg 46-49

Nazzaro. J. (2013) Riddick, Makeup Artist Magazine, No. 104 October/November, Pg 53

Magid.R. (2006) Golden Opportunity The Rce for the Oscar - Apocalypto, Makeup Artist Magazine, No. 63 November/December, Pg 42-43

Drax Scarification

Drax Scarification

In this photograph the flatpiece sculpt can be seen, it is a very large piece that was applied to the body, it fits around the body parts of the actor playing Drax. The design is keloid scarring which therefore has reference in real life which will help to create a more realistic effect. Always base the design in some element of reality.

Drax Scarification

Drax Scarification

As seen in the photograph the pieces were made on a lifecast of the body and then floated off to create flatpieces which were coloured and applied. 85% of the actors body was covered with the prostehtics making it a large scale process.

Drax Scarification

Drax Scarification

Here there are close up photographs of the scarification pieces that have been applied to create Drax. There is a high level of detail in these sculpts, with very small elments combining to make the overall effect very powerful.

Drax Scarification

Drax Scarification

The pieces were made out of silicone rather than bondo as the time for the bondo to be take off at the end of the day would be too time consuming therefore the time was spent at the beginning of the day applying and blending the flatpieces.

Drax Scarification

Drax Scarification

The flatpieces were pre coloured before application in order to make the process as quick as possible, this is a technique to take into consideration when producing any pieces. The edges of the pieces are placed strategically and blended extremely well, creating a seamless effect.

Deus Ex - Human Revolution (2011) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 07/02/2015

Drax's scarification was created with large silicone prosthetic pieces, however it was considered to be made from bondo, a mixture of Cab-o-sil and Prosaide. This would mean that application is completed incredibly quickly as the transfer is pressed against the skin and the bondo peels off leaving the sculpt in place. However the down side is that bondo is glue therefore it makes the removing process very long and tedious. This is therefore the reason that it was not used in the film Guardians of the Galaxy. 


However creating a small sculpt and producing a silicone mould of it, filling with bondo would be a very successful way to create the effect of scarification. Sculpting the design from scratch and applying would look very impressive, however it is time consuming and the methodology has already been practised therefore the time for this project will be spent with techniques that have not been tried previously. This methodology allows the designer to create any possible concept that can be thought of for scarification and applied successfully. 

Mehandi (2011) What Exactly is the difference between Prosaide Cream Adhesive, Becoming Moonlight Gilding Paste and Henna and what is the best use of each? [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 07/02/2015



The film Elysium is set in a futuristic world where there are two worlds, one full of the lower class with little money and factilites, the other orbiting station above the Earth with the upperclass an elite class of people. This magazine articles shows the body modification that occurs within the film. Matt Damon's character has an exo-skeleton attached to his body to increase his power and abilities. It is fused with biological system at certain points of his body. The upperclass have thin and elegant white tattoos to show their elitest forms. They are thin and slick with a white based colouration. These can be seen in the images on the page to the right. The scars have been designed to distinguish the elite from the inferior. These are subtle but clearly define the upperclass. This subtlty works really well suggesting that it may be more prudent to creat makeups that are similar in nature. 

These photographs to the left dsplay the mechanical systems that have been merged with the body to create an enhanced human with abilities that are not primaily found in  human beings. These add ons are very small and effective, they have a powerful effect on the viewer although they are small. The fusion with the skin is an interesting aspect of the makeup as it builds up around the mechanical element creating a lip that portrays the fusion. This concept of mechanical implants into the bosy crosses over with the concept of cyborg which is the fusion of biological elements and mechanical elements. It thereofer falls into both categories and may be considered cyborg or body modification, therefore would be an interesting idea to consider for the design of a mechanically enhanced being. 



These photographs are from an article on the film Riddick. There are many examples of body modification, the two images display an example of scarification and futuristic enhancement. These are both interesting examples of makeups that could be interesting to explore as they are effective and appear realitic, a fusion with the skin. These are both examples of body modification as the scars have been created in a pattern to represent the character and his identity. Recreating or creating a similar style of scarring would be very intersting for a makeup design. The crossover of the lines would provide a challenge for the sculpting which would be a good task to complete. Similarly the futuristic small design on the female is a good potential design. Lifting the skin to create a metallic style body modification. 

The film Apocalypto displays are large range of body modification through more traditional methods, there is a large display of tattooing and scarification with piercings, it is very helpful to look at for examples of work to base designs upon. There are many different ways in which they have produced the effects, all of which are displayed in the article of Makeup Artist Magazine. These are traditional examples of designs. The tribal makeup designs show a very angular and line based deisgns. The prosthetics that have been created for the character below has used bprosaide appliances which were pre applied to transfer paper. The effect works very successfully. te Piece is relatively flat against the skin, with a slight raise and darker colourationon the scars. Most of the appliances were gelatin and platinum silicone. These are useful materials to take note of an begin experimenting with these products. 




This was the first stage in the process of creating a latex scar on the arm, it was done in an attempt to create a tribalistic style. The methodology involved rolling a piece of tissue and soaking it in the liquid latex and placing it on the arm, it proved more challenging than expected. This method is time consuming and would not be successful for film or television. It has the potential for theatre and fashion as it may be stylised or seen from a difference.



This colouration was an attempt to create a pink effect as I have seen from reference photographs of scars. The colouration did not apply too evenly, however the result worked relatively well. The problem with this experiment is that it does not look very effective and taking off the makeup is time consuming. However it was worth the trial to understand how it works and the final result.



This experiment used collodian which stretches the skin, creating wrinkles and produces a scar like effect. The colouration was a light pink base with layers of dark pink colours and deeper colouration in the stretching of the skin.



This design was based upon a tribal artwork, as there are a lot of spiral work with line designs. The result was quite effective as it had a shine to the collodian made it look realistic. The result worked quite successfully and could be used for work on film or television and potentially theatre, however it would have to be bold in order to be seen from a distance.



This photograph shows the colladian before colouration, The effect was to try many different scars as practice to see if the way in which the skin is pulled upon application had an affect on the result. Most of the scars resulted the same, however this worked successfully. Each scar had slightly different markings to differentiate each one from the other.



This photograph displays the result of these scars, with a pink red colouration. The placing of the scars was random therefore the overall result does not look too effective however the individual scars worked well, the scar that crosses over another created an interesting final result. It produced more wrinkling which looked interesting an powerful.



This photograph shows the initial stages of the process. first pieces of tissue were shaped into the desired fashion and then stuck on the arm with latex. These were then covered with multiple layers of tissue over the original design.



This is mid-way through the process, the layers were building up over the tissue, eventually the lines between the pieces in the first layer were removed creating a cohesive overall look.



The next stage was to colour the piece a flesh colour as scarification do not change the skin colour around the scar, the scar itself becomes a pinkish colour. This is the final result taken with a flash on the camera, there is a difference in colour seen here, the latex has a more yellow based tone, a combination of mac foundation and screenface creme foundations were used to create this result and powdered to prevent any shine from the latex.



This photograph shows the final result without the flash on the camera, here it matches the skin colour well, the bases of the colours worked well together. This makeup looks amateur and lumpy, it therefore would not be used for any media, although could potentially be used for theatre at a distance, however it takes time to layer the tissue and generally on stage there is not much time for the actor to prepare, so most likely would not be used.



This is an attempt at creating a scar without the use of an materials, simply using greasepaint to produce a scar like result. This is more of a scar from an injury, such as a burn. Although the idea can be seen the result just does not look realistic. This could be used for theatre as it will not be seen close up, however not for any other medium. The range in colours was to try to create a shape and create the idea of a raised scar.



This is the initial application of Nimba Creations 'Instant Scar Gel'. It is applied by placing the bottle in boiling water to hat, the material then can be squeezed out the top. It is presumably a gelatin based material due to the method of application. This is the application without colouration to the gelatin. It has been pre coloured, However the colour is a very deep red which is unlike genuine scars therefore needed colouring.



This is the scar gel after colour application using the skin illustrator palette. The result was quite watery, however it kept the translucency of the gelatin. This effect works well on white skin, however would not be successful on black, due to the difference in colour. Once dried the final result worked quite well.

Guardians of the Galaxy


Within the film Guardians of the Galaxy there are many examples of body modifcation in many different methods with varying attributes. Some of these modifications to the body are displayed below, they are visually very impressive with powerful designs and applications. 

Other Body Modifications in Guardians of the Galaxy

Appliation by David White Guardians of the Galaxy Makeup (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

Nebula Makeup (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

Charcter Sculpts (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

Drax Sculpts (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

Drax the Destroyer (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

Korath Makeup (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

Yondu Makeup (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015


Wildson Dark (2014) Modify Body Modification Documentary [Online] Available From: Date Accessed: 26/01/2015

Nazzaro.J. (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy, Makeup Artist Magazine, No. 110 October/November, Pg 72-74

Gamora Makeup (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 25/01/2015

'Modify' Documentary


The docmentary modify explores various kinds of body modification, from tattooing, piercing, suspension to many other bizzare concepts. It is an intersting documentary detailing the founders of certain ideas and people who have gone to the extremes of body modifcation such as the 'Lizard Man'. It provided useful information into the subject area allowing an insight into what truely makes body modification. The documentary focuses on certain aspects of modification precisely not including mechanical advancement. Therefore for these subject areas is is very insightful with many examples, however the areas not included are thus not covered and leave questions. Overall the documentary is worth watching for its in depth detailing and personal persepctives on modifcation particularly the elements of identity and why people choose to modify their bodies. 

Toe Attachment Surgery


This was an intersting photograph it depicts the surgery to take the large toe from the foot and attach it to the hand in order to create a thumb. As seen in the video the man cut off his thumb in a building accident, the thumb was reattached in hospital, however it was rejected a doctor decided to amputate his toe and attach it to his hand in order to give him full range of movement again. This is an interesting case of body modifcation to improve the body, however using parts that were already available. Considering the neccessity for a thumb the surgery seems very important, this allows for a whole range of potential concepts and future enhancements of the body. This could be an interesting idea to develop further for body modifcation, taking a piece ofthe body and reattaching it elsewhere for improvement after a loss. This is similar to skin transplants for cleft palettes and various other injuries. 

The video game Deus Ex displays examples of body modification through a futuristic approach. The character has mechanical parts attached to his face surrounding the eye, from which sunglasses appear when desired. These pieces are attached to the bone of the character making it believable while also exciting and futuristic. The sunglasses are based upon the existing brand of Oakley. Similarly there is an hexagonal indent in the forehead suggesting a body modification feature combined with the sunglasses, this simple style it powerful becuase it is visually striking and out of the ordinary therefore the focus well be on these elements of the face. It is an interesting game to consider for inspiration. Also the idea of simplicity beating complexity is another. 

SWNS TV (2011) Builder has big toe amputated and re-attached on his hand [Online] Available From: Date Accessed: 26/01/2015

Thumb Replacement Surgery (2011) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 26/01/2015

There are various ways to apply henna to the body, with different materials and techiques. This article explains the way prosaide glue was used to create henna, however it does note that once dried it turns clear and is therefore only good for use when applying glitter to the design, It also explores original henna and Moonlight Gliding Paste to take note of their attributes and flaws. Neither create the white effect that was intentionally sought after, however the effect they produce is worth noting. The origianl search was to find a white paste that created scar-like lines to represent scarification on the body. However after reading this article and seeing the photographs it is clear that henna cannot be used to create the effect. 



Tattoos are becoming more and more popular, they are one of the initial modifications that most people in society would think of. It involves piercing the skin many times with ink on the end of the spike, this embeds the ink under the epidermal layer of skin, leaving a permanent marking which is designed into the desired fashion. There are many different styles of tattoos that can be created, similarly the method in which they are created varies greatly between different cultures. Modern, western artists typically use electric needles which pierce the skin many times in a short amount of time. These are dipped in ink and then used on the body to create a design. 



These experiments that follow are all crude exploration of simple techniques, to see if it is possible to create an effetrive result that can be used for any performance, the basic materials used were tissue and latex and collodian. They explore all different styles of body scarification and the results of the methodologies.

Cyborg Tattoo

Cyborg Tattoo

This experiment was to try an create a scar like, indented tattoo. I used the general structure of the hand to base the design upon, using an alien language to create a futuristic styled effect on the hand. This was created using illustrator (alcohol activated paints). it applied well and the structural aspects of the design were effective however the end result did not look like a realistic tattoo

Cyborg Tattoo

Cyborg Tattoo

An extra stage was to add some blue colouring as this is similar to the colouring of most traditional tattoos. However this colour was difficult to layer on thick, so that the end result was not washy.

Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Tattoo

This 'tattoo' used illustrator palette to create the effect, the colours were mixed to create a more realistic colouration. One side used a greener colour than the other to see in comparison which colour worked more effectively. The blue tone was more traditionally based and therefore worked more successfully.

Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Tattoo

This design was based upon the aforementioned design in the film Apocalypto. The tribal line work with straight angular shaping. It also tried to create an eerie eye design to link to Freud's theory of the Uncanny. The idea of something familiar seeming frightening, therefore a tattoo with a hidden design that is not directly apparent applies to this idea.

The results of these makeups are not too effective, the best result was the tribalistic styled scarification created from scarification. The pink colouration worked well to create a realistic style. This could be used in any medium of performance. Whereas the other results were not particularly effecive as they did not look realistic, they would not even work for theatre as the time to apply tissue and latex is too time consuming for the fast paced atmosphere, it would also involve difficult removal, so the reapplication for many nights in a row would not be feasable. As the results of these experiments were not particualrly successful, the next step is to find a solution that works well to create a scarification effect. These next stages are displayed further down the page. 

After examining the work found the the case study Guardians of the Galaxy, the decided next step to create a realistic scarification wound was to create a flatpiece that displayed the pattern desired. The scarification is based on a more tribal african methodology with raised scars tha protrude from the skin, however it is created in the design of an electircal circuit board style. These photographs display the process, the creation of the sculpt, mould and application. 



























































Scarification Sculpt

Scarification Sculpt

The design was created with symmetry, however as the sculpt is aimed to be created in a tribal sense, therefore the lines would not match up perfectly and would have slight irregularities as the scars would probably have been made with a handcrafted knife.The sculpt also represents the mechanical elements of body modification in the styling of the lines.

Scarification Sculpt

Scarification Sculpt

The sculpt was created using monster clay which is tougher than LeBeauxTouche, however still has no sulfur so can therefore be used when casting with silicone. The sculpt was a little rougher than hoped, however the overall effect will hopefully work well with the final makeup.

Scarification Mould

Scarification Mould

This photograph displays the mould created of the scarification sculpt. It is quite neat with smooth shaping on the inner ring. This will mean the result of the piece will look neat a professional. Overall the mould was created well with no blemishes and will therefore work successfully.

PlatGel 25

PlatGel 25

Initially I tried to cast the flatpiece in Platsil gel 25 however the ratio of deadener must be different to pro gel 10 as the resulting piece was extremely sticky and disintegrated when trying to pull it out of the mould. This therefore meant thait could not be used for application.

Silicone Flatpiece

Silicone Flatpiece

I re ran the flatpiece in silicone, still using platsil gel 25 with 70% deadener to ensure that the piece was still soft, yet not completely unusable. This worked well, however when running the piece there were slight edges of silicone that meant that blending some of the edges proved difficult. The silicone was pigmented flesh colour in order for a more realisitc result.

Silicone Flatpiece

Silicone Flatpiece

This photograph shows a cloes up of the silicone piece, there are small bubbles in the piece, this could have been created from trying to speed up the process and heating the cap plastic too much causing it to bubble. This could be resolved by creating the flatpiece with more time and drying the layers on a lower heat.

Silicone Flatpiece

Silicone Flatpiece

This photograph shows the piece fully coloured. I used the illustrator palette to create the colouring. The skin was speckled with flesh tones to create the final skin match. The scars also used skin illustrator using Light Mauve and Dusty Rose on the Krystian Mallet palette.

Silicone Flatpiece

Silicone Flatpiece

This piece worked well when being photographed with the flash and also without the flash. Here the skin match is very good at the top portion of the piece. The scarring looks realistic with light pink tones and a shiny finish due to using the alcohol activated paints.

Silicone Flatpiece

Silicone Flatpiece

This angle shows the raised scarring on the arm. I was extremely happy with the results of these experiments, I think they worked very well, the edges are almost invisible, the colouration works really well and the protrusion from the skin makes the piece look realistic in comparison to the earlier experiments.



I used a homemade batch of bondo to create this piece, I layered the bondo into the flatpiece allowing it to set, I tried o speed up the process with a hairdryer, however I did not have enough time to let it fully dry.

Bondo Flatpiece

Bondo Flatpiece

This is the initial application of the bondo piece, the piece did not come out of the mould effectively therefore required more prosaide to transfer it onto the skin. This meant that the edges were quite visible. Also due to the early release from the mould the bottom layer of the bondo was not dry so it remained in the mould creating a bumpy, rough texture on the piece.

Bondo Flatpiece

Bondo Flatpiece

The colouration of the scars worked really well, with a pale tone giving the overall finished result a realistic effect. The skin colour was slightly off, however it was not too bad. The edges are very visible on this piece and therefore make the image as a whole less believable.

Bondo Flatpiece

Bondo Flatpiece

This photograph displays the makeup without the camera flash on. In this photo the skin colour matches better creating a powerful effect, the scars also work well, if a little dark. The finish on the scars is very bumpy and rough therefore doesn't look like scars, however the shaping and colouration finish the effect.

Body Modification Examples


There are many examples of body modification found within film and television. Within the category of body modification there are numerous effects that can be inflicted upon the body these examples below show just a few that have been seen in performance. Each of these are created in various ways, through mechanical convergence with flesh, through mutated genes and many other methods. These examples are a great base for moving forward in the production and research of body modifcation. They each have their own individual style that portrays different themes in various ways proving for inspiration into designs and concpets. 



Elysium (2013) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015



Wolverine (2009) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

The Hulk

The Hulk

The Hulk (2003) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

Star Wars

Star Wars

Star Wars (1977) [Online Image] Available From:'s_armor Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

Iron Man

Iron Man

Iron Man (2008) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015



Robocop (1980) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

Doctor Who Toclofane

Doctor Who Toclofane

Doctor Who Toclafane (2008) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

Doctor Who Cyberman Danny

Doctor Who Cyberman Danny

Doctor Who (2014) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

Captain America

Captain America

Captain America (2011) [Online Image] Available From: Date Accessed: 18/01/2015

Genuine Scars


For research it was necessary to look at genuine scars in roder to produce a realistic result, I therefore looked at lots of body modification books detailing tribal and ritualisti scars, as well as intentional modern scarification. Although all of these images are very helpful fr the patterns and designs that are created the skin colour is not that of the one that will be applied onto therefore colour need to be considered. 

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

This scarificiation is really interesting as it has a kind of scientific vibe to the design. The structured lines with strong shaping create a visually intricate design to look at.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

These scars are more traditional, small cuts created in rows to create an overall design. These scars are generally reminiscent of certain life events that the individual has accomplished.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

These scars are also for traditional reasons, this is a Mbay woman with scars. These have been created by recurrently opening the wounds and irritating the skin with foreign bodies.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

This is a very symmetrical patter on the back, created through small scars built up to create the overall design. These are interesting as they are so well placed. It could be interesting to try and create. One idea that I have was to use lentils to create these scars as they are rounded and the right sizing for the the makeup.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

These scars are slightly smaller, I have noted that the scars are generally a slightly darker shade of the skin creating a contrast with the unblemished skin.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

This pattern on the face works well as it highlights the features creating an overall concept. The picture also involves head binding another body modification where the head is tightly wrapped to alter the shape and make it appear elongated at the back.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

These spiraled desigbs could be very interesting to try to imitate, this could be done using various techniques maybe string covered in latex or sculpt a flatpiece

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

This is a portrait of Raharuhi Rokopo it s carved out of wood. He created metal tools which enabled the techniques to be improved upon.



This photograph is interesting as it differs from all the rest, the scars are more linear with a stronger shaping. The overall effect is very powerful and could be interesting to create, the lines are not perfectly symmetrical, however they have a uniformed completeness.

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

Encyclopedia of Body Adornement

This is a modern version of scarification, using a scalpel to cut away at the skin taking off the first layer and allowing it to heal as a raised scar. The image on the right shows a scar after the healing time of the process. It has quite a bumpy surface.

The Decorated Body

The Decorated Body

These scars look more reminiscent of an injury with a large straight object. They have a shiny surface with stretching around the edge of the scar causing ripples in the skin.

The Decorated Body

The Decorated Body

These scars are very interesting as they differ from the others, with a much more raised line on the face that created a much greater contrast than the smaller more demure cuts.

The Decorated Body

The Decorated Body

This photograph shows the freshly made scars on the man They are very uniform with a neat structure. I the upper picture you can see the blade that is used to create the wounds. The wounds look painful therefore enforcing the idea that it is very significant for one to get these markings.

The Decorated Body

The Decorated Body

This is the photograph that would work really well with the lentil cuts applying the lentils and colouring them as desired would prove a very effective way of creating these scars on a small budget and short period of time.

DeMello, M. (2007) Encyclopedia of body adornment. Westport, Conn.; Oxford: Greenwood; Harcourt Education

Brain, R. (1979) The decorated body. London: Hutchinson & Co.

Guardians of the Galaxy has a large amount of modification displayed within the film, these stills show some of the characters that have modifications. The majority of these modifications are mechanical based, with advanced materials merged with the skin to create a powerful character. The visual aspects of the designs are also very striking, with pieces growing out of the skin and complimented by the colour scheme of the character. The character Gamora has very subtle effects added to her face to create a visually  powerful effect. The slight mechancial elements are placed to contour the face an create a symmetrical design on the face. The characters Yondu and Korath both have very striking mechaical elements submerged into their head. The way that they  been sculpted into the head works really well. For Korath the skin has grown slightly over the part. The piece follows the anatomy of the head to make sure the overall makeup design works sucessfully This is worth considering, the overeall shaping of the makeup, do not focus on the smaller elements at first look at the design as a whole piece. The subtlty works really well on most of these characters, with very precise graceful effects added to the face. The makeup designs at the top of the page, show very elegant designs with a well thought out design that merges the body with the mechancial beautifully. The sculpt of the scarifcication pieces for Drax's character have an extraordinary level of detail and with a well thought out process and creation. All of these makeups are extraordinarily impressive for inpisratino into the world of body modification. The concepts are well thought out with unusual and effective It ensures that one should think outside of the box in order to achieve a more successful design that works as a cohesive piece. Another element to consider when creating a makeup piece is the costume that will go with the work as this will have a big impact on the colour  choices and also the style of makeup. There is a very wide and diverse range of modifiction within the film, therefore it is a great film to use for a case study. These pictues show  most of the modified characters, each with a unique style that stands out form one another. 

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