Creating these designs has been taking techniques and skills from the creature Concept Course that I took last term. It has allowed me to create original designs utilising these skills creating an overall cohesive result that works as an overall concept for the project. I have also utilised the ZBrush course that I have taken through its use of a grahpics tablet to create these designs. I have the tablet in conjunction with photoshop to create these simple designs. I have also given some of the more successful designs colours, however these would need much more experimentation in order to produce an effective result.
The important factors to consider when creating a creature design is their habitat, their mating, these all combined will help to create the surrounding factors of the creature that combined will make a more well rounded design. It is important to understand everything about the creature and why the certain features are there, each depending on various factors.
These designs were created in an attempt to open up my creativity to produce a character that would fit into the realm that I initially planned. My basic understanding of the creature was a troll-like character with strong features and potentially a certain texture that would make the process of experimentation greater.
As part of the design process I created a maquette of the design in order to visualise the design in a 3D form it therefore allowed me to see the proportions and scaling of the character in much finer detail. I found this process to be extremely helpful in many ways as it allowed me to experiment with my sculpting and designing skills simultaneously. I also allowed me to visualise the character as a whole, which will allow me to turn the design into a makeup more effectively.
Here are some photographs of the process and the final result:
![]() Side ProfileI like this side profile, the ear works well, however in the actual makeup there would be more detail, and perhaps slightly more jagged to represent the rock texture however the shape is correct. | ![]() FrontAt this stage in the sculpt I really like the wrinkle texture which is also the rock structure of the face, to allow movement on the face. If there was no texture here the rock shape would not work as a facial piece. I like the nose as it is relatively humanoid and the mouth portrays an evil structure. | ![]() Side ProfileIn this photograph the horn looks a bit large for the head, however the horn is the centerpiece for the character, In the actual sculpt I may scale this down slightly in order to create a more realistic result. |
![]() BackI really like the structuring of the fragmented back of the head. I have based this on the opal rock that I found at the natural history museum which is on the inspiration page. The colouring of the inner rock will also be inspiration for the makeup. | ![]() Final MaquetteThese photographs show the maquette in its final stage. I had completed the texturing and shaping of the design. I was very happy with the result of the maquette as I think it accurately represented what I wanted to create with my design in a 3D structuring. I like the side profile a lot as it has a strong shape and stands out from most fantasy characters that I have seen. | ![]() Final MaquetteThis is the finished front view of the maquette, I found it very difficult to do the detailing on a mquette at such a small size, I found my tools very cumbersome. I tried to create as much detail as possible in the clay, however the lower face did not represent exactly the texture I was trying to achieve. |
![]() Final MaquetteWorking with Lebeau clay allowed me to move it about easily an reshape any areas. As seen in the first photographs the ears have changed shape to become flatter and more stone-like, as I felt that the pointed ears would not work well with a rock-like creature. | ![]() Final MaquetteI kept the back of the head similar throughout the designing process as I really liked the way the cracks emerge from the horn. Similarly the way in which the cracks reveal the blue stone centre underneath the rock. |
![]() Sketch DesignsThese designs were created in an attempt to figure out the form of the creature that I was going to create. These designs are all based around the rough idea of a large creature similar to a troll. I like the use of hair within the top design as it gives a heightened sense of realism. | ![]() Sketch DesignsThese designs are based around the idea of experimenting with texture, in particular rock features. I think that some of these designs aren't very original as the shapes and features have been seen before, however I like the design bottom right as it has an interesting form and fulfills the rock like element of the creature. | ![]() Sketch DesignsThese designs are more focused around the specifics of the project. The middle design in particular as it has features reminiscent of Japanese culture, without being too literal. The horn is reminiscent of the chonmage hairstyle worn by Japanese samurai. |
![]() Sketch DesignsThis design clearly conveys the attitude of evil, through his expression and facial shaping. Although I really like this design I do not think that it conveys the Japanese element of the design and would therefore not work with the folklore tale. | ![]() Sketch DesignsThis design is based around a rock creature which has fused with the rock and jems of the mountain he has been dormant within. The jems have fused into a crown-like structure showing that he is the leader of the creatures. He is a violent creature as shown through his hard expression. This is one of my favourite designs and potentially could be used for the project. | ![]() Sketch DesignsThis was a creature that focused on the aggressive features of a character. It has a lot of ageing which is one area of interest that I wish to focus upon. The character is relatively humanoid and therefore would make an effective makeup. |
![]() Rock CreatureThis was one of the more suitable designs as it has the strong structuring that I want to translate into the character along with the opal rock and the strong form of a scary character that would fit into a folklore tale. | ![]() EarI experimented with various features of the characters, this was an ear that I came up with that I thought quite interesting, with a bone as the strong structure and a thin skin-like material for the ear shell. | ![]() Colour AttemptI know that I am not good with colour scheme so I therefore wanted to try out the colouring on this design from which elements are being taken to create the final creature. This colour scheme does not work, however colouring it on photoshop allowed me to explore these details in greater depth. |
![]() Photoshop DesignsFor these designs I was trying to create a completely original design, with features that had not been seen before, therefore I think that some elements work and others do not. This is a Japanese based pulling on the elements of the kappa creature with a bald spot on the head and the long moustaches of traditional Japanese men. | ![]() Photoshop DesignsThis was an interesting design, I was trying to create a shape and structure that I had not seen before. I also wanted it to have a bold look that made an impact on the viewer. Although with a bit of refinement I think it would work successfully I have to think about what it achievable for me as a second year and I think that this would be too complex a makeup to achieve to a good standard. | ![]() Photoshop DesignsI like this design as it stand out from the others, it is completely different and I personally have not seen a style similar to this. I think that the bold brow shapes make a statement that helps the character to stand out. I think doing some hair work for this project would be an interesting area to explore in more detail as I am new to the technique. |
![]() Photoshop DesignsThis was one of my more realistic designs that focused more on the sense of realism, through ageing and altering of the shape of the face. I really like this design as the elements all work well together, to create a creature, however I know that similar designs are in existing films therefore making it less original. | ![]() Photoshop DesignsThis design is rather animalistic, the face has been designed to look streamlined with a flat shape to the head. I like the expression that it conveyed through the features of the face. I think that these shapes are relatively unique and a creature of this design has not been seen in pre existing | ![]() Photoshop DesignsI like this design the side profile is very interesting, the horns would have a more rounded effect. I am not proficient in drawing from the side therefore I thought it a good time to practice. I like the horns and the ears, however the face itself needs working on. |
![]() Photoshop DesignsThis is one of my favourite designs, however I do not think it is suitable for the current project as a folklore creature, it fits more into the realm of aliens and fantasy. Therefore I will take note of this, however I will not use this for PMP. | ![]() Photoshop DesignsI thought it prevalent to include these drawing, I looked at various shapes in the environment to create these shapes and turn them into an element of the design. This is a horn and an eye shape which I believe work really well as structures for a design. | ![]() Photoshop DesignsThese are some more shapes that I liked the ear and eye are general shaping which I thought looked effective and the third is a shape that I liked that I thought could be used for a nose or incooporated into a design somehow. |
Final Design
This is a picture of the final design that I will use to create my character. It has been coloured in order to correctly match the makeup to the design and create a successful final result. I am not particularly versed in coloured designs, therefore I feel that these designs are some of my better drawings. After beginning the sculpting process I tweaked a few of the elements to make them more cohesive with the character, such as changing the shape of the ears, as these felt too slight and pointed for a rock creature. I also changed the direction of the nasolabial folds, to make the face squarer and less humanoid. I found it difficult to portray the rock structures in the design, hence the shading on the face. Although alterations have been made, this is the final design with the chosen colours detailed on the drawing (ignoring the blue lines used to draw the face). Although I was happy with the design, the colour has not come out in the photographs particularly well, however the general idea it conveyed through this image below.

This is the design in its penultimate stage, there were only minor adjustments made to the structure. I have coloured the character as I intend to colour the final makeup for the film and photoshoot. The left image is not complete, however it was taken in a better lighting, in order to see the genuine colours of the final piece. I was really happy with the result of this drawing, I am not particularly skilled at drawing designs therefore I feel as though this was an effective design. I altered the shape of the horn and the ears in the final design as seen below, however this is a very close representation to the final character.