There are many games which explore Folklore and Mythology. Games have large followings therefore there have been many examples of inspired designs, alongside the original designs. I have found these games very interesting and inspiring as I am not versed in many games it was very helpful to look into these games as they have provided me with some examples of brilliant designs from which I can take elements of the shapes, structures and colour schemes. I have explored some examples and displayed them below as I feel that these designs each have an element that has inspired me in some way when creating my character.

Sang Jin Hong, World Of Warcraft Character Design Concepts (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.sangjinhong.com/wow-character-design.html Date Accessed: 17/03/2015

Sang Jin Hong, Orc Cook Process Dungeons and Dragons (n.d)[Online Image] Available From:http://www.sangjinhong.com/visual-development--character-design.html Date Accessed: 17/03/2015

World Of Warcraft Designs (2014) [Online Image] Available From: https://www.pinterest.com/masonjb/warcraft/ Date Accessed: 17/03/2015

World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor Announcement (2013)[Online Image] Available From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYueIdI_2L0 Date Accessed: 17/03/2015
World Of Warcraft
World of Warcraft Character (n.d.)[Online Image] Available From: http://todofondosdejuegos.com/wp-content/uploads/images/imgproxy.php?src_img=9b/wow-world-of-warcraft-4.jpg Date Accessed: 17/03/2015

Dragon Age (2014) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-no-new-dragon-age-in-2015-but-huge-opportunity-/1100-6425196/ Date Accessed: 18/03/2015
Dragon Age Character (n.d) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Electronic-Arts-Dragon-Age-Origins/dp/B002BWONIA Date Accessed: 18/03/2015

Falmer (2014) [Online Image] Available From: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/884112698633528381/D19AF51D93BDEFFCF1D799CFC02A97201141BF8A/ Date Accessed: 16/04/2015
Skyrim Goblin (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/4548724-1361584485.jpg Date Accessed: 16/04/2015
Skyrim The Elder Scrolls Goblin (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110621230524/elderscrolls/images/e/ef/Goblin.jpg Date Accessed: 16/04/2015
Vampire Lord Skyrim (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120629135238/elderscrolls/images/0/0c/VampireLord.png Date Accessed: 16/03/2015
The game Skyrim has some of the most varied characters within its program. I have displayed some images of the characters that I felt would be suitable to look at in terms of creating my own fantasy character. These designs have unique qualities and also familiar ones which are icon for certain types of creature. I am interested in how the characters have been put together in order to portray a certain identity that can be understood pureply through the physical being. One of my favourite designs is the cracked, demon statue below this text, I think that the contrast in the white colour with the red and black components produce a powerful image. The contrast of lava-like material with the white cracked statue works very effectively. The goblin creatures in this selection of images have very angular faces with pointed ears. They generally have humoid noses with varying sizes, a lot of them have hair which is a segment that I must consider in the process of creating a design as this will be a lot of work on top of prosthetic if I were to create it. All of these colour schemes are mainly based around darker colours thereforethe tones create a sense of evil and agression. I will try to create a colour schemethat revolves around the darker tones of the spectrum. The Frost Troll character has a combination of flesh and hair which creates a powerful result, therefore I might consider creating a design that uses both prosthetics and hair to explore techniques and processes further. The Falmer character has a very interesting design on the forehead to create an intricate design. The continuation onto the nose makes a complete design that works really well. This suggests that I must make sure that my overall character design has cohesion. Although these are designs for a game they have a high level of detail they are not quite at a level where I could use this in film, they would need to be altered slightly but it allows me to understand basic form to create a design that is professional and successful.
Dungeons and Dragons
This image to the right displays the development of an Orc character through its processes. The character is designed for the game Dungeons and Dragons. From my understanding it is a game played in real life, therefore the designs are created through the imagination of the players. One such gamer has created this design for a certain character. I think that this is an effective methodology for creating a character design as it starts with a line drawing which progresses to a black and white shaded drawing. This allows one to add colour to the design and produce a much more dynamic character. Although there is a good amount of detail in the character there is not enough for the use in filming, there is not enough textural detail on the character. Although this is not suitable for the use in film, it is of close quality for games. I will use the shape of the body for inspiration in my designs to create a large, bulkier character.
Dragon Age
Dragon age was another game that I came across in my research that has intriguing character designs. These are two of the characters that I found in the game that I felt had qualities that I wanted to analyse for their use as inspiration in the creation of my chrarcter concepts. I think that the horn shapes in the first design are very effective and intriguing as they have a unique style with multiple elementsbreaking off from the main horn. I also like the way in which the head is partially divided from the separation of the horns. The brow and the eyes are also strong features in the design that would be worth consiering to transfer into the design that I want to create for this project.
The second design is close up and therefore allows one to see the intimate details of the character. I really like the structure of the horns on the character, the way in which the segments overlap the others to create a streamlined effect. The texture in the horn itself creates a dynamic quality that I think would be very effective in my character design. Similarly the way in which the face transitions to the bark like horn has a powerful result. The colours work well as the flesh tones are continued through the horn to make surethat the character has cohesion. This is an important element to remember when creating te colour scheme of a character.

Skyrim Character (2013) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/11mksl/gargoyle/ Date Accessed: 16/04/2015
Frost Troll (2013) [Online Image] Available From: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Creatures_%28Skyrim%29 Date Accessed: 16/03/2015
Skyrim Werewolf (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Werewolf_%28Skyrim%29 Date Accessed: 16/03/2015
Skyrim Ogre (Oblivion) (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Ogre_%28Oblivion%29 Date Accessed: 16/03/2015

I found these two concept designs from the game Fable, I thought that they provided characters with a great sense of understanding, with fully formed ideas and concepts about who and what they are. The use of the designs shown from different angles works really successfully, it allows one to understand the design as a fully comprehensive 3D design. Similarly showing the second character in different costuming makes the concept seem much more believable and realistic. These designs show that creating a concpet in digital format may be the step forward as you can add texture and shading. I think that the structure of the horns works reall well to counterbalance the face and body, theu have a very unusual shape that makes them stand out from the body. With the design of Puck I like the way that the colour scheme follows the brown tones and is then broken up by the bright green colour used on the horns.
In the second design I think that the facial shaping and design is similar to what I am going to try and achieve with the makeup. I would like to experiment with the shaping of lips and teeth in order that I produce an in-depth character. This character certainly highlights the importance of costume. The details allow one to understand the difference between a design that is created for gaming whereas a design for film will have much more intricate details and areas of focus.
Overall it has been helpful to look into this area of character design, however the level of detail does not reach that of the film level. The concepts are free and therefore do not conform to the physicality of a makeup which makes them very interesting and thought provoking.
Puck (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://fable.wikia.com/wiki/File:Puck_1.png Date Accessed: 16/03/2015
Fable Legends Redcap (2014) [Online Image] Available From: https://www.fablelegends.com/creatures/redcaps Date Accessed: 16/03/2015
Tully Lumbering Oaf (2014) [Online Image] Available From: http://horadric.ru/media-gallery/detail/584/12661 Date Accessed: 17/03/2015
These first few designs are some from the game World of Warcraft, they are all based around the idea of a large creature with strong, agressive features. In the first image, above, I really like the shaping of the face, the human shaped nose, with slightly exaggerated proportions. I think that the lines on the face give the character another element of depth. I think it is important that the small details of the face are added up to create a more powerful effect I think that the photograph at the top right is interesting as it shows a great range of characters with different features. The faces generally have an expression of anger, with a strong brow shape and small eyes and nose. I also like the colouring of the characters particularly the white characer as it has a powerful overall effect. It also goes to show that costume is required in order for the overall character to seem much more effective and cohesive. Weapons also make a big difference to the character as they add a defining characteristic to the design. The third image shows a green troll-like character. He has small eyes, shaped by the brow and the large teeth. This is a similar design as the one that I want to create, a large, powerful enforcing character. I think that the use of armour adds another element to the design that is very effective. The use of a small amount of hair work adds to the character design to produce an effective result that is more engaging than if it wasnt there.
Sang Jin Hong, World Of Warcraft Character Design Concepts (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.sangjinhong.com/wow-character-design.html Date Accessed: 17/03/2015
These three images are all designs created by artists based upon the World of Warcraft game. I thought that they had great style and detail that ould be good inspiration for my project. I really like the designs to the left due to their high level of detail, the whole chracter including costume and props has ben thoroughly thought out. The close up sections of the face allow me to note the features that make an effective haracter. I think that this drawing style also works very well in order that the characer is conveyed in a 3d sense. The way that all of the design fits together creates an effective result that proves effective.
The third design is interesting as it has been created in a 3d sense but also coloured. although the design is not as highly detailed as the original, the colour adds an idea of realism. This shows the necessity to make a sketch type design and a colour design separately to allow for an overall vision of the character.
These three designs are my favourite from the World of Warcraft franchise. They all have very high levels of detail with competant colouration that makes them seem professional and believeable. These characters have been created in an environment suiting their designs which therefore make them more believable and effective. The colour schemes work very effectively therefore show the qualities that make an effective result. These designs would be suitable to create a character for film as they have very detailed elements to the concepts. I will take inspiration from these designs and their facial structures. I would like to work on the aspect of hair at some point as I feel this is one of my weaknesses. t is also a defining feature in a lot of these concepts, showing that it balances out the strong and agressive shapes of the face and costume,