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This is the result of the filming for the film. I am very happy with the result, it displays my character well in the desired environment. My only issues with the film are the lack of close up shots that made it into the final cut and the way in which the location made my paint scheme seem slightly blue. This is something that could have only been rectified had I done a test shoot on location, however this was not feasible for the budget and amount of time that I had to complete the project. That being said I am very happy with the film, I am very proud that I managed to organise the entire production from finding the location, to getting all the members on board and keeping all of the team members happy. It was a very stressful and tough experience, however I think it came together effectively producing a great result.
Final Film
DutchBasterds (2015) The Pain of Yoshitomo [Online] Available From: Date Accessed: 17/05/2015
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