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Finishing Techniques


On this page I have photographic evidence of the finishing techniques that I implemented to create the final touches on my makeup. As the character design involved no hair work I did not need to punch any hair or flock any flocking onto the face or head. The finishing techniques that I needed to create mainly revolved around the paint work, trying to create an opaque effect. These photographs show the materials and the painting that I applied to create the final result of the paint scheme.

This photograph shows the materials that I used to create the PAX paint scheme. There are various Acrylic paints and pearlescent materials which were used to create the effect seen below in the photographs. The Pearlescent material is displayed top right, I was recommended this by the sales assitant in the art shop. I mixed this with the blue paint and it worked extremely well. I have also shown some of the brushes that I used for the application. These were mostly very cheap brushes that allowed me to throw them away after use rather than ttrying to clean the prosaide off the brushes. 

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