Film Information
As part of my project I am creating a film at the end in order to place my character in context so that it can be visually understood more successfully. I have never made a film before, however I like the challenge. I know my strengths and weaknesses, which have helped me to know which elements I should control and organise and the elements I cannot. Therefore I have enlisted the help of a director Milo Vuinogtfpij who will organise the filming team which will involve him as director, a camera crew and any people he deems necessary. I have also found a photographer who will take photographs before the filming and on set behind the scenes for use in my portfolio.
Things that I will need to consider in the creation of my makeup for film will be the small details that are picked up on the HD cameras, thus meaning that my makeup must be very accurate with accute detailing. I will also need to think about the lighting that will be used, at this moment it will most likely be natural lighting, therefore the time of day that we film will be important. How long the makeup will last, it must be durable to last from the 9 am application to the end of filming roughly arounf 7/8pm. Another thing to think of is the function of the prosthetics, the face must have an adequet range of movement for speech and consumtion throughout the day. This will ean that the silicone must be deadened for the movement.
The first step in creating a film is the script. I have a thorough backstory for my character which involves a plot line which will be the narrative for the overarching film, and the filming we create will be a clip from said film.
The backstory of my character is this:
Yoshimoto lived in Japan with a tribe of trolls who lived peacefully away from human civilisation. However Yoshimoto wanted more adventure in his life and became curious of the forbidden island which the gods had proclaimed no troll shall enter. In disregard for the god warning he finds the entrance to the island and enters. The gods see this act of disobediance and turn him to stone. As he has disobeyed the gods, they destroyed the home of the trolls killing many. Many years pass and a young goddess finds the stone statue of Yoshimoto she takes pity on him giving him a horn which grows round the back of his head piercing the stone causing it to crack. The stone shatters giving Yoshimoto movement. The price of his freedom is to protect the forbidden island for all time. He cannot leave the island and must protect it with his life.
I gave this backstory to my director who in turn created a film script suitable for the filming process. I had the final word on the script, however I trusted my director to ensure that the result looked as effective as possible. I have included a copy of the script below in order to see the final filming process.
After creating the script I needed to gather a crew and find a location. I enlisted the help of a director that I have previously worked with, he said that he would find a good team to work together to create the film. Finding a filming location proved much harder than initially thought, the location needed to be in a close vicinity to the university as the time for travelling would detract from daylight for which we need in order to film. I conducted a lot of research into various filming locations, I had initially hoped to film in Compton Acres which is a series of beautfiul gardens, one of which being a Japanese Garden. I thought that this would be perfect as it has a fantasy element to the design. It is also very traditional Japanese 1920s style and would therefore give a very stylised look to the film. However upon calling the company they were unwilling to allow a film crew in the gardens as they had had a bad experience with a previous crew. Therefore it was necessary to find other potential locations for shooting.

Blue Pool
Some other locations that I looked at were public areas, mostly national trust areas. These were slightly further afield and therefore created a small issue with travel. However I looked into these as I thought they might be particuarly striking. The first was a place called Blue Pool. It is a lake with forest surrounding the edge, it looks particularly striking and a there is a very magical element about the place. I was unable to visit these locations, however I conducted research through images and Google Earth in order to understand the layout and the scale.
Dancing Ledge
The next location was called Dancing Ledge. I really liked this location as it has a raw and beautfiul quality about it. It is located along the Jurassic Coastline therefore the rock structure is particularly beautiful. Similarly as it is on the coast the representation that the story takes place on an island would be easy to represent. Again I was unable to visit this location, however I found images and scaling to understand as much as possible. This location was further out than most, around a 40 minute car journey therefore it was necessary that I drive and there is another member of the team that could drive crew and equipment. It also seems as though there may be a relatively long walk before reaching the cliff.
Dancing Ledge is a former quarry, last used in the 1930s for stone shipped to Kent. It now exists as a stone dance floor ledge.(National Trust (n.d.)

Russel Cotes Museum
I was recommended the Russel Cotes Museum Gardens as they have small areas with a rock archway, a little fountain and an area with a small bridge. I visited the museum in order to see the location for myself to determine if it would work. I thought it was quite a good location and this therefore became one of our top choices. It provides a lot of various settings for location which could be interesting in the film clip. I found that the museum charges £15 per hour which is something to consider in the budgeting as it could quite easily add up to a large amount. I took photographs which I have displayed above in order for my director to see if it would work for filming purposes.
Hengistbury Head
Hengistbury Head was another option for locations, this is loated in Christchurch, therefore it is not too far away from the original application location. There is a bay located at christchurch with a beach front and rocky areas with potential angles for a very interesting film. There is also a wide variety of different looks that could be used to create certain aspects of the film. In this way one location could provide lots of different scenery.

Winspit Quarry
The final option for locations was Winspit Quarry. I really liked this location as the squared rocks made by the quarriers reating a really interesting effect, as though man had created the landscape. The rock also worked well with the character design. This location was also quite far away, close to dancing ledge. This means that I will have to consider transport and daylight. This location could provide the idea of ruins on the island that mortals see to deter them from boarding the island. This is a good location to consider. I have included photographs and maps of the area.

Winspit Quarry Cave (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.photography.gordonengland.co.uk/photo-gallery2/v/photo-equip/tamron/tamron-sp-35-80/winspit-tamron-35-80-12684.JPG.html Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Studland Bay to Lulworth Cove (2012) [Online Image] Available From: https://outdoorswhatevertheweather.wordpress.com/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Winspit Quarry (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.photoanswers.co.uk/Facilities-Landing/Search-Results/England/Dorset/Winspit-Quarry/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Dancing Ledge From West (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_Ledge Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Dancing Ledge (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/article-1356403970032/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Dancing Ledge (2012) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.electriclemonade.co.uk/dancing-ledge-3/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Hengistbury Head (2013) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g186262-d1141218-i58251867-Hengistbury_Head-Bournemouth_Dorset_England.html Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Sea Flowers (2014) [Online Image] Available From: http://derrickjknight.com/tag/hengistbury-head/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
The Long Groyne (2004) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/389141 Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Blue Pool Tearoom (n.d.) [Online Image] Available From:http://www.bluepooltearooms.co.uk/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Blue Pool (2015) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.dorsets.co.uk/photos/blue-pool-furzebrook-11.htm Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Blue Pool Near Warham (2008) [Online Image] Available From: http://www.weymouthwebdesign.com/news/dorset/the-blue-pool-in-furzebrook-near-wareham/Date Accessed: 24/04/2015

Google Earth (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.com/earth/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Earth (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.com/earth/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Earth (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.com/earth/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Earth (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.com/earth/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Earth (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.com/earth/ Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Maps (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.co.uk/maps Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Maps (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.co.uk/maps Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Maps (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.co.uk/maps Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Maps (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.co.uk/maps Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
Google Maps (n.d.) [Online] Available From: https://www.google.co.uk/maps Date Accessed: 24/04/2015
After the research we decided that Winspit Quarry would be the best location to shoot the film at, as there was a wide variety of possible shots for the filming process. The location was roughly a 20 minute walk from the nearest car park therefore the makeup had to have a good durability and stand up against sweat and the elements.
A few days before shooting I looked at the weather forecast in order to determine any extra equipment I may need to bring, for example umbrellas for heat or rain. The forecast a week and half before shooting showed it to be extremely wet and windy, therefore in preparation I bought lots of umbrellas and blankets for the team. As the filming date got closer the weather seemed to ease up slightly, however it was still predicted to rain on the day. Once on location our only issue was the wind which was very strong, we were lucky with no rain for the whole shoot. The wind was very strong yet my makeup held its ground against the wind, I thought the horn might be an issue, however it remained attached throughout. I have some photographic evidence of the location from the day of shooting which I have displayed below.
![]() Winspit Quarry Location | ![]() Winspit Quarry Location | ![]() Winspit Quarry Location |
![]() Winspit Quarry Location | ![]() Winspit Quarry Location | ![]() Winspit Quarry Location |
![]() Winspit Quarry Location |

Compton Acres (n.d.) [Online] Available From: http://www.comptonacres.co.uk/tours/japanese-garden/index.php Date Accessed: 24/04/2015