Tutorials and Presentation
Throughout the project I had many tutorials from various lecturers and also some informal tutorials from Wayne, all of these combined helped to keep me on track and give me suggestions as to the direction and approach of various subjects and techniques. I have displayed all of the feedback sheets below and some of the topics covered in the informal tutorials.

This is the Feedback sheet that I received from Laura after presenting my initial intentions for the project. It notes that I have good experience in terms of work experience that I have completed. I mentioned in my talk the consideration of the prosthetics titled award which is something I must consider over these summer months. She also detailed that my idea for the project seemed suitable with enough work for me to warrent the 40 credit unit. The feedback seemed to be very positive and therefore helped to set me on task with the direction in which I should challenge myself and progress my skills further.
These are the series of feedback sheets that I received over the course of the project, I have tried to follow all the advice given in each of the tutorials, in order to create the most successful final result and research that I could for this project. They were all very helpful in the creation of my project and helped to keep me on track to understand the important elements to think about

Thoughout the project I also had informal talks with Pete and Wayne concerning some techniques and the approaches that I should take in order to create the most successful result.
I spoke to Pete about a number of things concerning the direction of my project and possible routes that I could take in order to make the most successful project. One conversation that stood out was concerning the mould making process. I spoke to Pete about the creation of a mould for the head piece I was creating. He suggested many good tips to ensure that the result worked well, such as talcum powdering the mould after releasing the fibreglass and sculpt, so that I could see where I had applied gel coat. Also to ensure that the edges where the two halved of the mould met to be strong as these would allow for a very thin seaming edge.
My titorials with wayne mainly consisted of sculpting tips and ways to acheieve certain looks. I also asked him about various products that I could use for certain aspects of the creation of the prosthetics. He also helped me with the flatpieces of rocks that I was going to use to blend the face onto the neck and the hands.
Overall I have found that asking the tutors information concerning the general process of making prosthetics to be extremely helpful. They have helped me in the direction in which to approach certain topics.