Film Production
On this page I have shown all the conversations that I had with Film Production students in order to get the short film sorted. I have also spoken with a photography student in order to get photographs on the day behind the scenes and a photoshoot for a film poster sorted.

Photography Collaboration
I posted a message onto a group on Facebook filled with creative arts people at the Arts University Bournemouth asking for a model at the beginning of the project. On that reply I had a photographer reply saying she would like to help and take photographs through the day, I then later went on to message her for more information. She agreed to take photos for me on the day so that I could have some portfolio images from behind the scenes.
These screenshots show the conversation that took place between the two of us, in order to arrange dates and timings do the filming day.
I had arranged for Alice to come to the shoot and take some photographs of the crew and filming and then take some in a studio afterwards, however on the day, during the assessment I got a message saying that she was unable to do it anymore. Therefore I had to take the photographs on location myself meaning that they were less professional and not as high quality as I would have liked. Fortunately I was able to borrow my friends photographer in a studio to get some photographs that looked professional these have been displayed on the final result page. This has taught me some very important lessons, to be able to adapt quickly and utilize the collaborations taking place at our university. This meant that I was able to get some effective images for the final shoot.
These screenshots display some of the conversation between myself and the director. They have not been written formally, due to our friendship. Once I had my director on board he organised getting the crew together as I am notfamiliar with the necessary crew and equipment that would be needed to produce a film. We spoke through messaging and in person about the details of the filming and the requirements that were needed for the shoot. Milo (the director) also helped to create a script for the film, I gave him the backstory for my character and all the necessary details about him and from this Milo produced a script of which we shot for the final film. This script can be seen lower on this page. Milo had some very good suggestions as to the types of shots we could include in the film, also with links to videos of a similar nature that we could take inspiration from. I am very grateful for having Milo on board with the film as he was a massive help in terms of creating the atmosphere and organisation.
There were a total of seven people on location on the day including myself, Brandon Mitchell (the actor) and Jesse Rogers (costume) the remaining team comprised the film crew. Ella Rowberry as Producer, Kat Harvey on Camera and Mark Harris on Sound. I took it upon myself to ensure that the team were catered for and and expenses were paid for.
This icon to the right displays a link to the script of the film. The title of the film was created by Milo, however I think it works suitably with the character. There is a lot of close up shots for the prosthetic display, yet also a small plot to make the film have more interest to the viewer.